Shamrock Squad Adventures is a community of Special Needs Families on the mission to make outdoors accessible for all needs. Their most recent event was a 5km walk on the Cloonlarge Loop, Kilteevan, Co. Roscommon. Partnering with Kilteevan Tidy Towns families explored Cloonlarge Bog Loop and visited Gulliver on the Lilliput Way.
The walk was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Stories were told, information on wildlife and local history was shared. Lilliput Way was very much appreciated and Gulliver was a gigantic hit. Shamrock Squad are very environmentally aware group and offered to litter pick on the 5km route. The children, including wheelchair users worked enthusiastically during the walk.
Padraic and Ellie, trainers with Leave No Trace Ireland accompanied the group on the hike. Padraic carried out a very interesting exercise with participants to highlight the importance of making good decisions to protect nature and the environment. Absolutely NO TRACE was left on this walk. All that was taken was photographs and litter.
Representatives from the following support groups were also in attendance Hidden Disabilities Ireland, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Family Carers Ireland and Decathlon Ireland. They shared very valuable information and resources.
After the walk, all returned to Kilteevan Community Centre to enjoy prepacked, healthy lunches and refreshments provided by the Falls Hotel, Ennistymon, Co.Clare. Thanks goes to Carol Proctor Photography for capturing precious memories.
A spokesperson for Kilteevan Tidy Towns said “our encounter with the Shamrock Squad was an eye-opener. “We experienced a model of outstanding, inclusive, holistic, caring, practice from start to finish”.
Kilteevan Tidy Towns is committed to, reduced inequalities, good health, well-being and is looking forward to receiving feedback from The Shamrock Squad in order to make future walks more inclusive and enjoyable.
We make our world a better place when nature is accessible to everyone. Universal design gives everyone access to the world around us. For more information on universal design for the outdoors check out Cara, a sports and physical activity inclusion organision.