Joining the Communiy Wetlands Forum
The Community Wetlands Forum CLG has three types of membership for which it applies a fee i.e. Full Members (Community Groups), Stakeholder Members and Individual Members. Only Full Members are legal members of the Community Wetlands Forum CLG. Stakeholder Members and Individual Members are not legal company law members of the Community Wetlands Forum CLG and have no membership rights under company law. If you wish to join the CWF CLG under one of the below membership categories, please e-mail the development officer for an application form: [email protected]
Note, if you are applying for membership for the first time, please see the information below regarding the process for submitting an application for the first time.
Full membership (Community Groups)
Please note that Full Membership is only open to community groups to are in the process of developing community wetlands or who wish to do so; and support the work of the Community Wetlands Forum and agree to be bound by the rules and policies of the Communities Wetlands Forum. The membership fee for community groups is €20 per annum.
Stakeholder memberhip
Stakeholder Membership is open to any organisation which does not meet the criteria to be eligible as a Full Member, and Wishes to support the work of the Community Wetlands Forum by its advice, influence, and activity. The application fee for stakeholder membership is €20.
Individual memership
Individual Membership is open to any individual who wishes to support the work of the Community Wetlands Forum by his/her advice, influence, and activity. The fee for individual membership is €10 per year.
Compliance with rules of membership
When submitting your membership application you must indicate that you are happy to abide by the rules and policies of the Commuity Wetlands Forum. In particular we ask you to accept the terms of membership which should be read in conjunction with the Articles and Memos of Association of the Community Wetlands Forum CLG.
CWF CLG Articles and Memos of Association
Submitting an application for the first time
If you are applying for the first time, when we receive your aplication for the first time we will get int touch to find out a little bit more aout you and your interest in community led wetland conservation. Please note that your application will be pending until it is accepted by the Board of the CWF CLF. Once the Board have considered your application we will be in touch.
Benefits of membership include:
- Members will be kept up to date on current developments in community led wetland restoration in Ireland and internationally.
- Members will receive regular, up to date, easy to read information, briefings, updates and newsletters.
- Members will have an opportunity to contribute their knowledge, experience and expertise to the Community Wetlands Forum’s practice, policy and publications.
Members will be invited to all CWF seminars, conferences, workshops and events – to meet and share experiences with others who are involved in, or support, community led conservation in Ireland and internationally.
- Members will have access to training, mentoring and networking opportunities that support them in their own work.